

Qld Surveys Pty Ltd, once commissioned by you works for you. We take on board your best interest not those of the seller or broker.

You will receive a formal quotation before the survey is conducted. Remember the outcome of the report can be used for negotiation and identification that will put money back in your pocket.

Preliminary Surveys

If you are unable to visit the vessel but it is of interest to you then a Preliminary Survey is a good way to go.

I will visit the boat as your representative and give you an unbiased account of my findings. If the vessel’s sales specification sheet has been clearly misrepresented, you will receive a phone call and accompanying pictures. The survey will be cancelled and your only fee will be travelling time if applicable and my hourly rate.

Pre- Purchase

This is a very comprehensive analysis of the entire vessel. It is designed to assist you in purchase negotiations. Again it is a tool for preparing an outline for essential repairs, implementing routine and preventative maintenance and aid with decisions for future upgrades.

It is advisable to have the vessel hauled for a hull inspection. Operational testing of all equipment will be undertaken if conditions permit as with a recommended sea trial. Specialists should be consulted given that today’s technology on many vessels encompass large powered diesel machinery and complicated electronics. However the overall condition of machinery, electronics and rigging are covered in the report.

A Pre-Purchase format is tailored to you. As the potential buyer of a vessel; the directive means I WORK FOR YOU.

Insurance Survey

An insurance survey and valuation is tailored to the special needs of insurance underwriters and financial institutions. Your vessel needs to be in a safe, sound and seaworthy condition. It insures your vessel is adequately covered and is compliant to your insurer’s safety requirements.

This type of report omits the descriptive details outlined in a Pre-Purchase Survey.
Areas addressed in the report are hull and deck, machinery installations, fuel, exhaust and electrical systems. C&V surveys are limited to visual inspections unless the insurer deems otherwise.

Consultation Services

You may require an expert witness for reporting, court time or mediation, fees are negotiated upon application.